FIRExTalk PDX Presentation List

Register for Free! Click HERE.

Brian Olson Why We Go Inside
Chris Barney Water Supply to the Standpipe
Cody Trestrail Brothers in Battle
Greg Lacquement Training Rituals and the Science of Learning
Jason McGowan Active Shooter
Jeff Dana Managing Change in the Fire Service
Jim Walkowski Passing Along the Inside, “Interior Firefight”
John Stanislaw The First Line
Lion Fire Gear Personal Protective Equipment Innovations
Michael Snodgrass 5 Fundamentals of an Aggressive Firefighter
Olyniyi Sobobehein Fitness and the Mindset of Success
Patrick Fale Lead from the Front
Richard Goerling Resiliency and the Warrior Ethos
Rob Root Growth and Professional Development
Robb Milano The Importance of Mentorship
Robert Petracca Officer Led Fire Attack
Scott Steiner Firefighter Emotional Survival
Steve Fisher Cancer Education, Support, Prevention
Steve Haddick Fire Block Gel for Structural Firefighting
Todd Meyer Leadership: Providing Intent
Wayne Morris Trust Your Gut

A phenomenal selection of presenters.  FIRExTalk PDX is going to be a fantastic event.  The event is Saturday December 19th from 0800-1800 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.  Register HERE!

Fire.Talk PDX is now FIRExTalk PDX

Now, Fire.Talk PDX is FIRExTalk PDX because our website is

Fire.Talk started as a simple idea to share ideas by firefighters for firefighters.  The conference has grown from a simple training center event to now being held at the 200 seat Sheraton Hotel Conference Center.  The event is free for attendees just signup at the Aggressivefirefighter Event page

What is the FIRExTalk PDX event?

Imagine a day filled with brilliant speakers, thought-provoking video and mind-blowing conversation that will unleash new ideas, inspire and inform.

A FIRExTalk event is a local gathering where live TED-like talks and videos previously recorded are shared with the fire service community.  The content and design of each FIRExTalk event is unique and developed independently, but all of them have features in common.

FIRExTalk’s format

A suite of short, carefully prepared talks, demonstrations and performances that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects to foster learning, inspiration and passion– and provoke conversations that matter.